Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Egypt’s pyramid Essay Example for Free

Egypt’s pyramid Essay Egypt one of the earliest civilization is a nation embellish with rich culture and tradition, the pyramids being is a witness to their grandeur. Egypt’s pyramid is one of their pride; it depicts the power and glory of those ancient rulers and their influence. The pyramids’ brilliance is known to every individual but little of us knew how the pyramids were erected, what form of tools where used, how did they conduct the calculations considering that every angle of the triangle is perpendicular with each other, and what does the earliest pyramids look like. The Egyptian pyramid certainly has origin, how did they polish such wondrous creation and why pyramids vary in sizes. What is the underlying principle in building such tomb. Several studies were conducted in unleashing this pyramids enigma, yet some still was a mystery. The Pyramids of Egypt is distinct from among the wonders of the world. It has its certain characteristics, incomparable in magnitude, not only that it is the oldest man made creation from among the wonders of the world it conceals numerous historical records, the pyramid being is the door to unlock the secrets of Egypt’s antiquity. We have already uncovered some few material things on Egypt’s long forgotten past, but that is only a part of the larger feature of Egypt. The pyramids have in it some several encryptions which convey us about their tradition and belief in magical spells and hymns written in hieroglyphics form. It depicts the journey of the pharaohs in the afterlife. This compilation of hieroglyphics is called the Pyramid Texts. Aside from the ancient texts carved within the walls of the pyramids, pyramids also vary from each other on the physical aspect, such as its structure, its height and designs. The Pyramid of Cheops and Cephren is one significant example. We have witnessed in the records of history how ancient people revere much the final resting place of their loved ones. Similarly, in Egypt the pyramids are one of the most important objects conveying their belief in the afterlife. The pyramids that we used to have now only belongs to the greatest ruler of Egypt hence the Great Pyramids of Egypt, none of the pyramids ever survived that belong to other least rulers during the ancient time. Not only that the pyramids gain attraction on its concealed past, through the pyramids, some scientists dig the scientific engineering used at the time when the pyramid was built. It is genuine worked made by a brilliant mind. These are among the content of this paper. Based from previous researches, we will have to draw a general conclusion that will help address this problem. Body The Pyramids. Unlike many other temples that served as a house for the living, the pyramid serves as the eternal resting place of Egyptian kings and queens’ body and also a place for religious activity. According to ancient Egyptian belief, the pyramid where the mummy was placed provides for the monarch to pass the afterlife. The ruler’s body was carefully treated and wrapped to preserve it as a mummy. To pray for the soul of the dead ruler, the priests in nearby temples performed religious rituals in order to nourish the spirit, it is believed that the when the ruler died, the spirit remains to the body right after death. The Pyramid Texts were written in the walls of the pyramid to safeguard the soul during its journey. In the Egyptian Old Kingdom, most kings and queens draft for a design of their tomb usually with complicated structure made up of large stone and blocks. Yet probably because the materials were too costly, the size and quality of built pyramids decreased. In the Middle Kingdom, the Egyptians build pyramids out of mud brick. In the tradition, all pyramids were aligned to the cardinal directions which refer to the north-south and east-west location. Most pyramids were found in the desert plateaus on the west bank of the Nile River where the sun sets. According to belief, the dead monarch’s spirit will left the body and shall travel through the sky with the sun each day. When the sun will set in the west, the spirit will now settle into their tomb to renew their selves. Step Pyramid at Saqqara. Before the pyramids, the pharaohs were buried in tombs called the mastabas. It is a big, roofed, square building with walls that sloped gently inward. In the center of the building, a deep shaft was cut to which the burial chamber is located. There they stored the pharaohs’ significant possessions. In building the mastabas (â€Å"bench), the pharaoh needed much worker to work for his project. When there is dearth of workers, he sent out word to all his governors from different provinces. The governors in turn will send the word to every town and village and farmers from all over Egypt in order to come and work for the pharaoh’s project. The earliest known pyramid is the pyramid of King Djoser (Zoser) of the third dynasty. It was build with a giant steps like six mastabas stacked one on the top of the other looking like a rectangular wedding cake with six layers. Other pharaoh’s after him design their own pyramids trying to furnish a better pyramid than that of Djoser. Djoser Step Pyramid architecture was Imhotep. He commissioned a court official to design and build him a unique burial tomb. Accordingly, the building of the pyramid required two things which had never been done before: â€Å"the first was provided by a pacified and united country while for the second a unique human genius was required,† (Mendelssohn, 1979). Imhotep has advantage to this. Although he is not of royal blood, his official title as a purely self-made man was â€Å"Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, First after the King of Upper Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary Nobleman, High Priest of the Heliopolis, Builder, Sculptor and Maker of Vases in Chief†, and he was an engineer before the word ever existed (Thomas, 2005). Imhotep brilliancy was praised by many intelligent minds during his time. He developed and controlled the logistics and persuades a group of thousands of men into a well-organized workforce capable of producing suppose to be the world’s tallest pyramid by a factor of twenty. Imhotep has long solved the problems such as the balance of the lateral forces in the gigantic pyramidal weight while pressing down on a square base. To address the problem, his masons slanted the inner stones of Zoser’s pyramid towards the apex to help balance it out. This designed is considered as grossly overlooked with the introduction of Meidum pyramid. (Ibid. ). Nevertheless, Imhotep’s step pyramid was the first stone structure in the history and is the oldest surviving pyramid today. Several nature factors affect the pyramids’ brilliance, but none of it had overcome the clarity of mind of Imhotep. The fact that his structure stand today is a clear indication that he had overcome nature’s changing environment. Yet Imhotep brilliancy is almost trivial, we had little information on his intelligence and none of the records ever survived in justification of his eminence. Meidum Pyramid. The Meidum pyramid was introduced in the year 2600 BC. It is in the shape of tetrahedron. It started as a step pyramid with inward leaning walls and eight levels. The pyramid construction at Meidum became unsuccessful because there is probably lacking in the design of the pyramid. The interior support of the pyramid partially was collapsed and massive rubble mounds were found beneath the base of the pyramid. Bent Pyramid. After the failure of the Meidum Pyramid, King Sneferu, the father of Khufu started designing his pyramid. He actually started with the Meidum pyramid but for unknown reasons he moved his burial chamber north to Dashur, at the Giza Plateau with a different design. The foundation of the pyramid was a big flat area of limestone bedrock. Also as an advantage, in the nearby area there was a limestone quarry, a place where they could cut two to three ton limestone block to be used in building the pyramid. His pyramid was made of stone blocks leaning inward. In constructing the base of the pyramid, the stone cutters leveled the foundation of the pyramid providing indications as to where the pyramid would be located. The sun and the stars serve as their guiding point to align the pyramid facing exactly towards the four cardinals, the north, south, east and west. They aimed at leveling the sides of the pyramid equal to all angles. Each of the side using modern measurements is 755 feet and 8 inches long; the length is less than two inches of the four sides. However, during the construction of the pyramid, the weight of the upper portion started to inflate causing the pyramid to be not in proportion. It had slowly sink; the weight and angle of the stones where much heavier than in its base. To address the problem, the builders put up an outer supporting wall cutting off the 60 degrees angle to 55 degrees. The upper portion is only 43 degrees. This is where the pyramid got his name, the Bent Pyramid. During the construction, the architects tried to polish their work by applying what they have learned in building the bent pyramid. They must have laid down horizontal layers of larger stone and blocks. In order to vindicate their erroneous design, they construct again another giant pyramid for Sneferu called the North Pyramid. Sneferu returned to Meidum and refined the Meidum pyramid by adding outer level using new approach in constructing it. Sneferu’s new technique somehow became successful. His new technique became the foundation of the 4th dynasty pyramids and the Great Pyramid at Giza. Indeed, something did. Imhotep’s buttresses, while always at the base step pyramid of other true pyramids, were not extended to include the buttressing of the structurally significant outer casing. Pyramids built later than Meidum demonstrate this slanting of the outer casing. (Thomas, 2005) Khufu’s Pyramid. The proliferation of pyramid gradually decline in the 5th dynasty when irregularities seem to pervade in the whole kingdom of Egypt. Perhaps, one significant attribute of the so called chaotic period in Egypt called the First Intermediate Period is crossing the alley of yore to the Middle Period where new techniques and materials were applied. Parallel to it, when the building of pyramid was once restored, the pyramids’ beauty was converted into gross physical appearance to lucidity. Khufu, son of King Sneferu becomes pharaoh. To build a legacy on the surface of the Earth, he set out to design the largest pyramid. Sneferu’s three pyramids laid new important techniques in maintaining Khufu’s pyramid throughout the time. That is to build a pyramid with a solid stone foundation. In onset of the pyramid’s construction, Khufu ordered his governors to seek workers out of forty-two towns of Egypt. He require ten working men or boys each town to accomplish his ambitious pyramid. During Khufu’s reign, there are some speculations that massive slave workers were forced to work in building the pyramid. However in Herodotus account, the workers were not compelled to work for the pyramid. In contrary to his statement, he said however that there is dearth of workers, thus some forcible action is impliedly conducted. There was no account yet being surfaced to warrant the situation. Accordingly, most of the men were proud to work for Khufu; there is so much honor in building the eternal home of the god-king. Men formed into 20-30 teams and also have given their teams a name such as â€Å"Khufu is Bright†. Evidences lie in the hidden parts of the pyramids where modern archaeologists have found them. The construction of the pyramid began. The base forms a nearly perfect square having 19-cm. This huge square is almost exactly leveled out. In the core of the pyramid, it probably has a hill of unexcavated rubble making it difficult to determine the exact number of blocks. According to research, the Great Pyramid’s blocks are estimated to 2. 3 millions of blocks having an average weight of 2. 5 metric tons. Hundreds of men worked for quarrying, moving, setting and sculpting the huge amount of stone used to build the Great Pyramid. A total of 25, 000 men and women worked in the construction site for a couple of years. According to one account, there were no slaves who worked in finishing the project. Most probably were farmers, architects, masons, metal workers and carpenters. The architects of Khufu selected a site in Giza on surface of bedrock not sand which will provide a steady foundation. The workers lower the stones in a horizontal level, on one top of the other. The stone used in the interior area was out of quarried blocks in the south of the construction site. The exterior part which is finely finished was out of white limestone quarried across the Nile River. To transport the materials, the workers have to cut the limestone and transported by a river barge to Giza. The rest of the materials were used in building edifices in Cairo. Dating from the earlier failure of the architects, they had failed to recognize the symmetry of the stones placed on top of the other. Khufu’s pyramid however applied the rule on symmetry. Workers have marked all the blocks indicating the angle of the pyramid wall and trimmed the surfaces so that all blocks will fit together. On the sides of the pyramid, workers built large ramps to help drag their materials to the sides of the structure. Those ramps being used were probably of desert clay mixed with water tighten by limestone debris leftover from the construction work. The final exterior phase f the pyramid is the installation of the pyramidion or the cap stone of the pyramid. In order to reveal the full majestic view of the pyramid, workers must dismantle the ramps on the surface of the pyramid. Thereafter, the pyramid had displayed its real beauty. For the interior part of the pyramid, it is compose of complex chambers where a series of passages will lead to master chamber where the body of the King shall be placed. The pyramid’s entrance is about 17 m intended to be used during Khufu’s funeral. The entrance of the pyramid will likely lead you to the Descending Passage and shall reach the Subterranean Chamber. The Descending Chamber is intersected with the Ascending Passage. The Ascending Passage is the conduit to Queen’s Chamber as so called by the Arabs. But according to some archaeologists, this is where the king statue is located representing his ka, his spirit. The Ascending Passage intersects with the Grand Gallery which housed some large stones used to plug passages after the king’s funeral. At the upper end of the Grand Gallery intersects to the King’s Chamber, a simple rectangular room covered entirely with red granite. Now, what remains is the granite sarcophagus of King Khufu buried near the western wall. Some portion of pyramids’ myriad passage was still mysterious. There are some pyramids that have satellite pyramids and queens’ pyramid. The satellite pyramid’s function is still unknown. Some argued that it must have contained the ka of the king. The queens’ pyramid was smaller version of the kings pyramid intended to be a burial site for the king’s principal wives. The two Great Pyramids beside Khufu’s pyramid belongs to Khafre and Menkaure, Khufu’s son and grandson. Other Great Pyramids. Other pyramids built with the same technique to that of the Khufu’s pyramid is the pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure. In the later years, the building of great pyramids began to decline when Egypt’s resources began to deplete. Several smaller pyramids were design by later rulers however in different location. There are also some smaller pyramids that serve as a burial site for queens and secondary wives of the kings. Later pyramids constructed were the pyramid of Djedefre at Abu Rawash, the pyramid of Sahure at Abu Sir, the pyramid of Neferirkare Kakai at Abu Sir, the pyramid of Nyuserre Ini ate Abu Sir, the pyramid of Amenemhet I at Lisht, the pyramid of Senusret I and Senusret II at Lisht and the pyramid of Amenemhet III ate Hawara.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Climate Change is a Minor Threat Essay -- Global Warming Essays

Predicting climate change is less accurate than firing a pistol at long range. The fact is, finding a forecast of our future is just as difficult as explaining the meaning of life. I mean, how can we predict the future climate when meteorologists can’t even predict today’s weather? Scientists have only been keeping exact records of the earth’s surface temperature for only just over a hundred years.# Before accurate readings of the earth had been taken, scientists have only viewed charts and graphs of recent years. Patterns have been formed from these short-term graphs. But how can scientists be sure that their trend is true? What proof do we have anyway? The media-crazed threat of global warming has made this topic a very popular and, according to the media, a very serious global issue too. I’m not going to deny Global Warming, but I feel that as humans, we have only contributed very little to the emission of greenhouse gases, etc. Global Warming is a natural phenomenon, and should be dealt with accordingly: A coat when it’s cold, a t-shirt when it’s warm. The biggest ...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Racism and Anti-Semitism in America Essay

Stereotyping reflects expectations and belief about the characteristics of members of groups perceived as different from one’s response and discrimination refers to emotion ( We all encounter some form of prejudice or stereotype in our life. What types are they? Would you see the lasting affects it has on someone you yourself had discriminated against? Would you recognize the effects it had on you? This author will introduce you to three different stereotypes, fallacious, hasty generalization, and false dichotomy. I will explain the damages being stereotyped does to a person and the lasting effects it has. Aggression, overeating, inability to focus, and difficulty making rational decisions, all are negative effects experienced by those subjected to prejudice, according to University of Toronto Study (Michael Inzticht, 2012). â€Å"Past studies have shown that people perform in situations where they feel they are being stereotyped,† said professor Michael Inzticht of psychology who led the study, published in the month’s edition of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. What we wanted to do was look at what happens afterwards. Are there any lingering effects of prejudice? Does being stereotyped have an impact beyond the moment when stereotyping happens (www.usnews,com)? A person that stereotypes based on negative feelings is a person that is indifferent to accepting cultural diversity and situations that they find dissonance with because that are either entrenched with prejudice from a psycho social paradigm, or make the conscientious choice to be prejudice because of their inferential way of thinking. In Nazi Germany people were imprisoned and even killed for trying to fight anti-Semitism. In America we are free to fight it, but too many of us choose to ignore this hate that dare not speak its name. Anti-Semitism is real, it is murderous and it is very much with us today ( Anti-Semitism involves beliefs that Jews are more clannish that other people and act in concert to support a specific Jewish agenda. Jews deploy ex traordinary wealth with almost superhuman cunning in support of the Jewish agenda. As a religious and national minority, Jews cannot flourish without attacking the traditional values of their host society. In every country Jews seek to weaken national culture, religion, values, and cohesion. Jews are not a national group or a people in the way that others are; they do not have the same rights to establish a nation state that other people do. Where Jewish interest is concerned, the appearance of open debate in our society and many others is carefully constructed illusion. In reality, Jews work together to block open debate on issues they care about and those who resist the Jewish agenda are marginalized in public discussion. These ideas are the five pillars of anti-Semitism; you don’t have to believe them all- any one will do. Being an anti-Semite does not necessarily make you a Nazi. You are an anti-Semite. That doesn’t make you a Nazi; Hitler added a sixth pillar of anti-Semitism that the only way to successfully oppose the Jewish agenda was to kill all the Jews. This idea have become so widely accepted that they are seldom questioned or examined; when that happens a whole society is poisoned and distorted. Stereotyping is one of the biggest issues in social psychology but relatively little is known about how and why stereotypes form. Conventional approaches to stereotyping assumes that stereotypes are based on erroneous and distorted processes, but others feel that they form in order to explain aspects of social groups and in particular to explain relationships between groups. In particular stereotypes have often been seen as rigid and distorted mental structure that lead people to make serious errors (McGarty et al, 2010). From a social functional point of view race is a social construction, on the one hand it has been a legitimating ideological tool to suppress and exploit specific social groups and to deny them access to material and cultural resources, work, welfare services, housing, political rights, etc. On the other hand, these affected groups have adopted the idea of race. They have turned the concept around and used it to construct an alternative positive self-identity; they have also used it as a basic for political resistance (Miles, 1993:28) and to fight for more antonomy, independence, and participation. There are several forms of stereotyping and prejudice, but I will give you examples of only three. I will explain the stereotype and elaborate on the meanings they present. Fallacious argument is the first stereotype that I will be discussing. A fallacious argument simply means false or not correct, but is usually used to describe someone being deceptively false. Fallacy is a misconception of a false belief. If someone is being fallacious they are trying to get you to fall for a fallacy ( All African American men who drive big cars are drug dealers. Or if a group of African American youth or men stand around in a group they are gang bangers. This is a fallacious belief. African American men have driven large cars as long as I can remember. My uncle all my life has driven nothing but Lincoln Continentals. He is now a retired engineer from the railroad having driven trains for more than thirty years. I have friends that are firemen, teachers, and family men that wound not purchase a car if sit was not as it’s called a â€Å"Big Body.† Next, people stand around and talk, and socialize in crowds all the time, this does not mean they are gang bangers. I have made my sons stop standing around with their friends by a fence in the neighborhood because I did not want them harassed by the police if they should pass by and see them standing there. People assume the worst of people out of fear and or ignorance on their part. The next stereotype that I will discuss is one that I personally experienced. â€Å"Since you are so tall I know you can play basketball.† Being a woman of tall statue everyone assumes that I play basketball. All through Jr. High and High School my physical education teachers tried to get me to play ball. The head coach for the girls’ basketball team even tried to get me to leave band which I loved and play ball for her. I forever heard, â€Å"as tall as you are I know you can play.† I hated basketball, I still do. I never cared for the sport even when I had to play for physical education class. A person’s height and statue does not mean that they would have a passion for a sport that is l oved by others of this statue. Just because I was nearly 6 feet should not have been reason for anyone to feel that I like to play basketball. This argument is false dichotomy. False dilemma thinking or the fallacy of exhaustive hypothesis is a type of logical fallacy that involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, which in fact there is at least one additional option. The generalization was made that since I was tall I wanted and liked to play basketball. The third and final stereotype is one that I was questioned about years ago by a good friend of mine. She was a large young lady and short which made her look even larger. She would always seem down and stand offish around a group of people that we did not know. I have always been one to speak and socialize with anyone and somewhat stylish in dress. She questioned me on an outfit that I was wearing saying that I should feel self-conscious because my back was out in the dress and that she would never wear something like that because of her size. I simply informed her that this is her problem; you (she) allow others to dictate how you feel about yourself. They say you should be ashamed or embarrassed about your looks (i.e. weight) and because of this you should act and feel this way, not true. Just because you are not a size 3 and average height does not mean you are not beautiful and should have all the esteem, and pride in yourself as anyone could muster. This argument if fallacious because the inference from the premise to the conclusion is fallacy because of mistakes in the reasoning (Mosser, K. 2010). People who felt they were discriminated against-whether based on gender, age, race, religion – all experienced significant impacts even after they were removed from the situation. The lingering effects hurt people in a very real way, leaving them at a disadvantage. Even many steps removed from a prejudicial situation, people are carrying around this baggage that negatively impacts their lives. People are aggressive in their ideologies because they are adamant in their discriminatory beliefs. Negative stereotyping does have lasting affects because this construct is generally instilled in their children and if this cyclical deterministic view is not broken, such negativity will continue to manifest. Racism and Anti-Semitism is very much alive and still a major problem in this country, and around the world. References: McGarty, Craig, Spears, Bussell, Yzerbut, Vincent (1/2002), Stereotypes and Explanation Published: Cambidge University Press, Post Chester, NY, USA, Retrieved from: Mosser, Kurt, (2011), Logic and Introduction, San Diego, CA: Bridgeport Education, Inc. Retrieved from: Stereotyping has Lasting negative Impact: Prejudice has Lingering Effects Retrieved from:

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Crash Reflection - 1040 Words

Racism Reflection The movie I chose for this assignment was the Hollywood film Crash. I really enjoyed watching this movie even though I have watched it previously before. Crash is the type of movie where you need to watch it more than once to understand the real meaning it is trying to portray about racism. There are many acts of racism that is being shown in this movie in different ways through the many characters revealed. In this movie I found there to be a lot of themes that took place, however the top three I felt was most important were stereotypes, oppression, and prejudice. Stereotype is defined as the popular belief about a specific type of individual. In the movie there was a scene with the locksmith was fixing Jean’s locks†¦show more content†¦When I look back on it now I can see that although I never exactly went through any racist situations face to face, my whole like in fact was being judged based on my class. I did not realize this until after I watch ed the movie crash and we had the discussion of racism in our tutorial class. In a way it is really sad to have to think about how everyone probably only accepted me at first because they knew I was like them. I think the most hurtful and eye opening scene for me was near the end of the movie when the young officer Tom Hansen was giving the black man a drive up the street when all of a sudden he thought he was reaching into his pocket to shoot him and he shot him first. This scene made me cry a lot and I felt very disturbed after watching it. I think I felt this way mostly because throughout the whole movie they perceived this officer as one of the good people until this very last scene where he kills an innocent man. At this point of the movie, this is where I lost hope because he was one of the only people who had good morals and was doing his best to be a good person and then all of a sudden it changes. Reality hits you and everyone changes to someone else. I would not recommend this movie to a grade 8 class because I know that after they watch this movie they will not get the true meaning behind what it is trying to show people. I myself did not understand the movie the firstShow MoreRelatedCrash Reflection Paper977 Words   |  4 PagesCrash Reflection Paper In the movie Crash, they show a lot of different values, myths, rituals, networks, and symbols used by people in the movie. They also show many bias and prejudices other wise known as stereotypes that many people in the world use today. Trust was one of the biggest values I saw throughout in the movie, for example after the two young men drew handguns and carjacked the Cabots vehicle, they returned home and the wife Jean was still upset, and even though a locksmith wasRead More Discuss the poems Death of a Naturalist and Personal Helicon by1249 Words   |  5 Pagescuriosity for things this being wells. 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