Monday, August 17, 2020

Writing Assignment: Essay: Jacob Riiss How the Other Half Lives, 1890 (Autobiography)

Writing Assignment: Essay: Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives, 1890 (Autobiography)The Literary Analysis of Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives, 1890 (Autobiography) is a final essay written by Jacob Riis to his wife, Mary, and daughter, Kate. This piece was published in the New York Herald Tribune after Jacob Riis died from throat cancer in 1903. It contains a number of sketches and stories that were shared between Jacob Riis and his girlfriend, Mary Breteau. This article is about how Jacob Riis came up with the idea for his autobiography, How the Other Half Lives, 1890 (Autobiography).I was able to transcribe and read Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives, 1890 (Autobiography), and present my observations here as a final writing assignment for 'Writing the Essay: Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives, 1890 (Autobiography).' With the benefit of hindsight and experience, I believe that the choice for this particular writing assignment was appropriate. As an author, editor, and p ublisher, I am in a unique position to look at the work and the artist in question. I would have liked to be in the same place as Jacob Riis and get an inside view on the creative process and insight into the final product.According to Jacob Riis, there were three phases that constitute his literary analysis. In the first phase, he investigated and began to write down what he saw around him and his surroundings. He did not, however, wish to reveal what he saw, as he knew that others would take the information and use it to hurt him. Jacob's first phase of research involved picking up random pieces of paper, sketches, and newspaper clippings and writing them down. A number of this paper material would be later included in his autobiography.Jacob's second phase of analysis involved collecting the data that he gathered and beginning to organize the materials in order to find out the relationship between the stories that he was creating. He would then start to arrange the material, crea ting a cohesive narrative that we could follow through the whole composition of the book.In the third phase of Jacob's literary analysis, Jacob chose to publish a version of his writing. He found a publisher for the work and presented it to her, though it did not see print due to the publication of two editions of the work.At the time of writing this essay, Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives, 1890 (Autobiography) was published in two volumes, The Autobiography of Jacob Riis, which was originally written in French, and The Complete Collected Works of Jacob Riis. He died in a prison cell in New York City in April 1903.If you are looking for a writing assignment to help you improve your ability to 'sell yourself' and establish yourself as an expert on your chosen topic, consider writing about a topic that you have some knowledge about. There are a few writing styles you can employ for the purpose. Some writers will often 'show,' or present their point of view through 'story.' In thi s type of writing, you are presenting what the audience needs to know by letting the story reveal your insights and ideas.On the other hand, if you have an expertise in a certain field, you may find that writing a 'research'expert' style of essay is the best writing assignment for you. In this form of essay, you use your 'own' expertise to write a description of the topic that is relevant to the message you are trying to convey. When you decide on this kind of writing assignment, remember that it requires some time to write, so set aside a few hours each day to ensure that you are writing and reviewing the piece on schedule.

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